Thursday 29 November 2012


Sorry Followers and Viewers I was very busy lately so I couldn't post a lot, please accept this sincere apology We will have more Posts quickly, thank you for sticking with us.

Monday 28 May 2012

Peppers Lab

Guiding Question: What are the variations between peppers and how do variations affect the pepper?
Hypothesis: I believe that the number of seeds affects the size of the pepper and variations that occur.
Controlled Population: The peppers are the controlled population in this experiment
4 or more peppers
1.      Take 4-5 peppers that are different
2.      Measure them and record their size in circumference and length (cm)
3.      Observe them and record their shape
4.      Open the peppers and then count the number of seeds each of the peppers has
24 cm
23 cm

155 grams
115 g
105 g
92 g
127.5 g

Number of seeds
Number of seeds
103 seeds
50 seeds
0 seeds/ infertile wrinkled
16 seeds
34 seeds

Record and Analyze (observations):
Pepper 1: is the biggest of the 5 peppers in size, mass and shape.
Pepper 2: is quite big and has a long-like shape.
Pepper 3: is the second longest in length but it’s quite thin, it was also wrinkled and infertile.
Pepper 4: was small and round like a ball tomato, it had brown fungus-like stuff in side.
Pepper 5: was third largest in length and also had brown fungus-like inside.

Analysis of Data:
The patterns that occur among these peppers is that in general when a pepper is bigger and has a higher mass it has more seeds, if the differences among the masses of the peppers are small then there could be a different outcome. I think this data shows accuracy but there could have been but one of the peppers was infertile and that affected the lab and investigation otherwise I believe the data was valid

The goal was to find the variations and each pepper has many different variations no one pepper is the same. While conducting this lab I found many variations among the peppers some in circumference, length, mass and the numbers of seeds they have. But these small variations do not affect the pepper that much, the biggest variation is the number of seeds and mass of the pepper, we found out that if the mass is greater in average there are more seeds. My hypothesis was that the mass affects the seeds and that’s what happens. I learned that in average the mass affects the seeds each pepper has, meaning that if the pepper is larger it has more seeds, which means there’s a bigger chance of the pepper creating other peppers through its seeds.

Further Inquiry:
I think this data I got was valid since I measured the data specifically for each peppers and used 5 peppers which gave a wider variety of information I could use, also the infertile pepper affects the outcome of the lab. This lab could have been improved if there were even more peppers we were using to test because then you could get a clearer picture than with the information we used, the results were affected by the peppers we got. If think of a new lab similar to this one the hypothesis would be “How does the mass affect the number of seeds in a pepper in a large population?”

Monday 21 May 2012

Tortoise Lab

Data Analysis:
The reason only the short-necked tortoises are affected because the environment changes and the bushes and trees grow so the Short necks can't reach them, this does not affect the Long-necked tortoises since they can still reach the bushes and trees which is there food. After the 3 generations have passed and we come to the newest generation you can see a drastic change among the numbers of Tortoises in the Area, the short-necked tortoises who have the dominant trait have drastically decreased in numbers, while the long-necked tortoises which have a recessive trait have grown population wise. Even though the short neck trait is dominant the environment has changed in a way that is not good for the tortoises and many of them have died out, while the Long necks were not affected they started mating among each other and produced pure bread long necks.

As we look through the generations, and have a tortoise with a dominant you would expect that you in an ideal situation as generations pass you would have a lot more of dominant trait tortoises, but in this example that wasn't the case since the environment changed in a way that does not suit the tortoises and the recessive trait ones had an advantage and therefore thrived. So we can conclude that the environment around a specie affects whether it will survive or not, because if the surroundings changed drastically and the creature doesn't have enough time to evolve it can die out. Through this we can also make the conclusion why evolving through generation to generation happens so the creature enables further survival.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Reflection on Unit

After finishing the sexual education unit, I think everybody in the class learned a lot of new things they never new about, but most importantly about safety. I liked this unit since it did not have an exact outline but we covered everything that we needed to and even went further. This is one of those "giggly" topics so I believe everyone enjoyed in and had a couple laughs and giggles across the way.

During this unit I learned a lot of new things I never new and it was very successful. I learned about all the reproductive organs and how they work, to create new humans. I also learned the whole process of pregnancy and how and embryo grows into a fetus and later becomes a new born baby. I think the most important part was the protection and this is were everyone learned the most, we learned about contraception methods, STI's what there effects were but more importantly how to stop them from getting to you.

All in all this was one of the best units this year since it was every fun for everyone but at the same time it wasn't wasting time it was very educational, and I believe it will stay longer in our mines because of the interesting ways the information released.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

How Mothers Reactions Affect the Baby When They are Pregant

Smoking and drinking while a mother is pregnant can result in an unhealthy baby, the baby will be low weight when born and will be prone to more diseases than a baby whose mother didn’t do these things. Birth defects of the heart, brain, and face are also more common among babies born to smokers, drinkers and illegal drug takers. Loud noises can affect the babies hearing, once it is born, and sudden movements can be bad for the baby since it can affect how the baby is born. But it's not all bad stuff, a mother has to avoid there are some actions a mother can do for a healthier. The mothers can stay in a peaceful and quiet enviorment, they can take medicine so the baby does not develop some diseases.

For a good and healthy baby a mother needs to watch out what she does, but a mother can take certain actions for better and healthier baby.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Forensic Online Activities

In the DNA fingerprinting activity It talked about how and what fingerprints are used for. Scientists and foresic investigators can use your fingerprints to find out who comitted a crime. It explained how they use enzimes to separate the DNa and then they use gel electrophoresis, through which you can see the strands of DNA.

In the second activity the Gel electrophoresis was explained more detailed. With the gel electrophersis you can determine if a person commited the crime if you have the DNA which was found one the crime scene. The activity also showed how there were waves of DNA and how they moved, through a animation.

In the Barcode activity, I concluded that the 4th suspect's DNA/barcode corresponded to the one that was found on the crime scene. All the Lines were excatly the same in both of the examples, and out of all 6 barcode which were suspects it was the one which looked the most like it belonged to the one found on the crime scene.

Monday 19 March 2012

Is Dominace Always Dominant?

Dominace is not always dominant. It depends on what your testing. Certain plants always display dominace while others do not. We did an online lad to prove this. With Pea plants which mendel tested dominace was always expressed and that's how he came to that conclusion. The Pink flowers were dominant because when it was crossed with the white only pink flowers came out. Pea plants which we experimented with first show dominace and the color is dominated by the dominant allele when it was expressed. In the snapdragons example that came next, incomplete dominace was shown most of the colors randomly appeared. Incomplete dominace is a form of inheritance were the alle is not always dominant always the other one. I came up with this conclusion since when I crossed certain colors such as Red1 and White1 8 pinks came out which ment they both of them were reccesive and none of them were heterozygus The third example we tested were lentils, which were co-dominant. This means that both alelles in the gene pair are expressed equally, they are fighting for dominace. I concluded that because when the spots and dots were both dominant when they were crossed with each other, while with the spots and dots were not dominant.

In conclusion dominace is not always dominant, dominace is only dominant it depends on what you are testing. Pea plants are always dominant, while snapdragons show incomplete dominace and Lentils show co-dominace.

Friday 16 March 2012

Current Event: Clash of the Crayfish

"Clash of the Crayfish: Why the Americans Are Winning." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 15 Mar. 2012. Web. 16 Mar. 2012. .

I read about the problem that exists in Yorkshire, there crayfish are slowly being extinct since there is an invader, the American crayfish. Yorkshire is one of the last places were white-clawed crayfish live and now that's also endagered. Since there are new crayfish living with them(the american crayfish) which are much more resistant and which spread the porcelain disease. The local crayfish suffer from this disease since they're not as resistant. From the disease they slowly loose there appetiet and die a couple years later. The white-clawed crayfish are also much more picky about there food, then there American counterparts. The American crayfish is more aggresive than the local one. Scientists are studying the fish and still cannot figure out why the American one is more succesful one then the british one.

I found this article on the science daily site. I chose it since the title the clash of the crayfish was really intriguing and just that was enough to make me want to read this source since the title couldn't have sounded a lot more interesting. I think the science daily site is a trustworthy one since I use it for most of my current events. They always realese new articles and videos on almost all science topics.

I found this article really interesting, since it talked about an endagered specie and how all most the same animal from a different part of the world is more resistant and is expanding it's community while the other one is slowly dying out. This article made me think of how entire species of animals can die out and how people must do more to help them since it is within our power to help other animals.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Mitosis Questions

Part 1: Can you find dividing cells in the onion root tip?

Yes you can find dividing cell in a onion root tip. The best place for finding dividing cells in an onion root tip, is at the tip of the onion. This is because the tip of the onion root always grows and reproudces itself and repairs itself. Cells at the tip always reproduce
What differences can you see when you compare the nucleus of a dividing cell with that of a
non-dividing cell?

The dividing cell can be defined because you can see there is movement of parts of the cell.
The cell is undergoing the procces of mitosis were it separates. When you observe non-dividing cells nothing happens, while in a dividing cell the cell moves and parts get's ready for dividing reproducing and reparing.

Part 4: See what differences you can detect between the division of an animal cell and a plant cell.

The difference between the division of and animal and a plant cell are a bit different. Except the chromosomes in a animal cell undergo different phases of mitosis then plant cells. Animal cells seem to have a shorter mitosis procces than plants do. In the video I watched as soon as they finished the metaphase the animal cells split.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Mitosis Cells

Introduction: Find out the difference between Cytokinesis and Mitosis. How do they go together in order to complete the cell division process?

Part 1: Can you find dividing cells in the onion root tip?

Yes, you can find the dividing cells by finding were the most concentrated cells are, that's the easiest way to decide were the cells are. Dividing cells are in the most concentrated areas since some of them have been divided.

What differences can you see when you compare the nucleus of a dividing cell with that of a
non-dividing cell?

The difference between the nucleus of a dividing cell and a non-dviding cell, is that the dividing cell is going through the proccess of mitosis, the dividing cells can be through be different steps of mitosis. But the nucleus of a dividing cell is moving through the inside and in 24 hours it divide.

First Activity
In the first activity we learned what each procces of mitosis was like and what is each part of mitosis. We learned how many cells each cells contained. We also learned how much each of the stages/phases lasts. We also learned some facts about each phase of mitosis.

Second Activity
Through the second activity we got to see how the onion tip actually looks like and we got to see what divding cells look like when there being divided.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Make the Right Call lab


1. For the first trial, when you crossed the B's and b's the result is always the same you get Bb. When you look at the punnet square all of the results are also Bb, which means the punnet square is correct and the results are always the same.

2. For the second trials when one bag contained one big B and small b, and the other bag was only big B's. In this experiment we had seven Bb's and three BB's, This was affected by chance. The punnet square predicts 50% for each.

3. During this third trial there were three different outcomes, one being Bb, the second bb, and the third BB. The punnet square predicted that we are going to have 50% Bb, 25% bb and 25 % of BB. Unlike the punnet square we got the most bb's, 6 out of the ten trials we did.

4. If you had more trials and instead of 10, 100 I would think this would be a more succesful experiment, since when you have a little trials, luck can take it's part but in a lot more, forecasted statistics are more likely to happen in a real life example.

5. The model compares whith a punnet square in a way that thre is the same chance and probability you will pull out a certain marble, but in a punnet square you have excatly a certain probabilty, while in the model even the less likely one might occur more times due to chance and luck.

Tuesday 21 February 2012


16. Limits should be placed on genetic engineering, people can easily manipulate this and use it for there good. Genetic enineerging should not be allowed at all since it can corrupt this world and cause a lot of chaos powerful people can easily start enginnering whoever they want. It should be alowed to get rid of serious diseases but only with the goverments approval since without these diseases the world might become overcrowded.

17. Cloning should be forbidden all together since, people with more and money can soon replace whoever they want, and illegally start controlling entire countries through human cloning. Cloning of animals in order to make food should be permitted but of peope, no. If someone cannot have a child they need to find a different solution since if this is under the wrong hands it can turn into chaos.

13. The predicting of a persons health in the future should be stopped since this information can cause a lot of problems in that persons life, knowing what disease you have beforehand isn't pleasant. Maybe doctors should be the only ones to view this and if there is a cure they should only then inform the person in order to help them otherwise, people might even kill themselves if there is no cure to there particular disease.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Cracking the code of life

Most of the ideas in this movie were new to me, I didn't know that genes and DNA Could tell us so much about us, and that there were so many diseases that were and are caused due to genes and our DNA. The reaction that was sparked after watching this was suprise, I was so suprised how amazing DNA is. Something Scary were the genetic diseases that can only be caused by 4 atoms. I learned how you can tell almost everything about us and our lives from our DNA, I learned that other beings such as fruit flies aren't so much genologically different than us even though we look more complex.

If I could find out if I have a certain diseases and no cure was available, I would not take the test, since you would live the rest of your life knowing that you have this gene diseases and there is no way you can stop it.

If reasearchers had a chance to take my DNA and maybe figure out a cure for a certain disease, I would give them my DNA since you can help save a lot of lives and change the world for the better. Most probably I would want royalties since, you gave a little part of yourself to a different person in order to find a cure, part of the credit goes to you since without you they would have been able to find this cure. If they discovered a gene that might result in a health problem and it is curable I would like to be informed since you can prevent it, but if it's not curable then no, since you would constantly live in fear.

If more is learned there is a risk of genetic discrimination, because of ones gene make up, like today there is discrimination for many things, but you could limit this by controlling who and where you can acecces the genetic makeup of a human being, only authroized scientists can be able to see this.