Tuesday 21 February 2012


16. Limits should be placed on genetic engineering, people can easily manipulate this and use it for there good. Genetic enineerging should not be allowed at all since it can corrupt this world and cause a lot of chaos powerful people can easily start enginnering whoever they want. It should be alowed to get rid of serious diseases but only with the goverments approval since without these diseases the world might become overcrowded.

17. Cloning should be forbidden all together since, people with more and money can soon replace whoever they want, and illegally start controlling entire countries through human cloning. Cloning of animals in order to make food should be permitted but of peope, no. If someone cannot have a child they need to find a different solution since if this is under the wrong hands it can turn into chaos.

13. The predicting of a persons health in the future should be stopped since this information can cause a lot of problems in that persons life, knowing what disease you have beforehand isn't pleasant. Maybe doctors should be the only ones to view this and if there is a cure they should only then inform the person in order to help them otherwise, people might even kill themselves if there is no cure to there particular disease.

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