Wednesday 7 March 2012

Make the Right Call lab


1. For the first trial, when you crossed the B's and b's the result is always the same you get Bb. When you look at the punnet square all of the results are also Bb, which means the punnet square is correct and the results are always the same.

2. For the second trials when one bag contained one big B and small b, and the other bag was only big B's. In this experiment we had seven Bb's and three BB's, This was affected by chance. The punnet square predicts 50% for each.

3. During this third trial there were three different outcomes, one being Bb, the second bb, and the third BB. The punnet square predicted that we are going to have 50% Bb, 25% bb and 25 % of BB. Unlike the punnet square we got the most bb's, 6 out of the ten trials we did.

4. If you had more trials and instead of 10, 100 I would think this would be a more succesful experiment, since when you have a little trials, luck can take it's part but in a lot more, forecasted statistics are more likely to happen in a real life example.

5. The model compares whith a punnet square in a way that thre is the same chance and probability you will pull out a certain marble, but in a punnet square you have excatly a certain probabilty, while in the model even the less likely one might occur more times due to chance and luck.

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