Thursday 30 September 2010

Reflecton on Mr. Watts Presantation

On Antarctica there are many interactions between animals. I many ways predator prey, mating, some rituals animals have. A good example of this is penguins eating krill or elephant seal eating an penguin. Animals migrate to get food they also to a warmer place when in one place is to cold, an example of this is penguin migrating to Antarctica during the spring and summer is to obtain krill. Animals reproduce in a specific moment they need to know there will be food for the babies, there also won't be lots of predators nearby. When reproducing they look for season with lots of food. Most animals reproduce in spring because the season of krill starts near the end of spring. This depends on the food the have. Animals have adapted in many ways krill have big eyes when they are so they can see predators some animals swim in groups like penguin so predators have a hard time to pick a individual, Elephant seal females eat lots and lots so they can feed there babies. Each animals have birth and mating rituals leopard seals sing to attract a female other animals fight for the female the stronger one wins. We have been studying about animals interactions with other animals, plants and other non living objects. I am wondering all this functions instantly.He gave real examples how all of this functions how animals interact and how this functions in a biome.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

The Oily Gulf
Stephen Ornes
June,2 2010
On the night of April 20, there was an explosion on an oil platform in the gulf of Mexico. Most people escaped but 11 died. There was a pipe underwater that went from the platform to the bottom of the ocean,which cracked open and oil started spewing out. Scientist tried covering the oil in domes which didn't work. Lots of fish and birds were affected by the oil; they were covered in oil and couldn't swim or fly. The authorities warned people not to eat fish because they may have been affected by the oil. A group of scientists predicts that up to 75000-109000 barrels of oil are being spilled. This is the biggest oil spill that ever happened.

This oil spill is affecting science in many ways, lots of fish and birds are affected by the spill if animals are affected science is, because scientists research about these fish and birds. A benefit of this article is that you learn what happened. The disadvantage is that this really happened. The problem is that the ocean and shore lines are being affected by the oil spill. Why was there an explosion.

I chose this article because I wanted to find out what happened during the oil spill. My attention was grabbed, when I heard how much oil was spilled in a single day. I learned how it happened when it happened and the effects it caused. I agree with idea to cover the oil with domes, but I am disappointed it did not work. I do believe this is reliable because I heard about it before. I was sad that lots of animals lost there lives because we made a big mistake. I really think this is a disaster.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

"James Bond"-Like Worms
August 20 , 2009

Scientists found an unknown species of worms in oceans at the depth of 1800 meters.This annelid worm throws green bombs to blind a predator. By the time the predator can see again the worms gone. These little worms rage from the sizes of three fourths of an inch to almost four inches. The bombs are modified gills that consist of four chambers. When they are released they glow about a minute.

We are studying about creatures living things, and how they interact. This relates to are study, first it's a living creature it also interacts with other creatures such as the predator. This affects science, it gives us proof there are still creatures we don't know about such as this one. A benefit to science is that we found a creature that no one ever found, down under the ocean there are probably more creatures.

I choose this article because the title was appealing, I also like James Bond movies. The green bombs that little worms drop really grabbed my attention. I learned another way animals interact with each other. I do believe this is reliable people really went under water and found these species. I felt amazed while reading this article, living creatures have something people developed overtime and took them years. I really learned a lot and enjoyed this.

Thursday 9 September 2010


I learned a lot for this survival video. Each animal has a specific tool for survival. Most animal use camouflage. But many different animals have different tools. Eggs are used as shield while they are in the egg. Foxes play dead, then hungry birds land to eat, then it grabs the bird and eats it.Lions practice hunting on other lions. Vultures fly 60 miles to eat, they use there eyesight to spot dead animal they can eat.Hawks hunt in packs,groups they surround the prey and push it into a cir circle, then the prey has a little chance to escape then they take it. Polar bears make a snow cave in which they hide. Camels can survive in the dessert where people pass out. They can stay in the dessert a very long time thanks to there humps were they store fat that they use up slowly. Geese can fly at a attitude of 6 miles, they increase there breathing 20 times.

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Living and the environment

1. In a certain organisms environment there is the food the organism eats. The organism can survive in that terrain or area. The whether conditions are just right for the organism and there isn't huge amount of predators.
2. It interacts with other living creatures in the same habitat and also the nonliving objects.
What are the levels of organization within an ecosystem?
3. You find different kinds of organisms in different environments, because some organisms don't survive in certain habitats, while others survive in that habitat. For example you wouldn't find a polar where in the tropics, because it lives on Arctic.
4. How do animals prepare for such a change?Some organisms will start collecting and storing food for the long winter while other will be getting ready to fly to warmer parts of the world.