Sunday 27 November 2011

NASA Launches Most Capable and Robust Rover to Mars

On the 26th of november NASA launched the most advanced science lab to mars, This launch happened at 10:02 Est at the Cape Canaveral AirForce station. This Labarotory conists of the most advanced technology, but also a car sized rover, which was named Curiosity. This science laboratory is designed to throughly investigate Mars and send information back to earth. The Rocket which took of has new instaled precision landing, that will land on Mars on August 6th 2012 near the Gale Crater on the inside of a mountain.

I found this Source on the Science Daily, site which releases new articles about science and science current events, I find this site very reliable and trustworthy, because the article were released by scientists and experts who study the subject and know a lot about it. I picked the article because The title was very intriguing, and it sounded very interesting.
I was very excited, because scietists decide to explore Mars, because it's a possibility for colonizing and becoming the second planet people live on. I was really and intrigued and exicted about this article, because we will soon have a laboratory on mars, and a probe the size of a car, soon people might also go and use that labarotory.

NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory. "NASA Launches Most Capable and Robust Rover to Mars." ScienceDaily, 26 Nov. 2011. Web. 27 Nov. 2011.

1 comment:

  1. How weird it is to think that humans may one day live on another planet, huh? I think we will need a lot of adaptations first in order to survive the climate even if we can make it there.
