Friday 18 November 2011

Current Events

Even the Cleanest Contributes to More 'Super Bacteria',
University of Minnesota. "Even the cleanest wastewater contributes to more 'super bacteria', study finds." ScienceDaily, 14 Nov. 2011. Web. 18 Nov. 2011.

The New university of Minnesota studied that municipal waterways with even the highest cleaning and reducing waste systems still don't do a good enough job and the water, waste is dumped into is still being polluted by dangerous bacteria, known as "Super Bacterias". Normal water filters release bacteria and genes then the best ones but the levels of bacteria are similiar in water that is filtered by normal water flitering systems. The modern and best filters use anti-bacteria systems, but no the bacteria have developed and evolved and are resistant to the anti bacteria. Scientists also find out that they are found on the surface of the water in lake and rivers the waste water was dumped in.

The information presented in the article was very good and valid, I learned a lot from it. The information made sense and was presented in a great manner. I made an inquired that me need to take immediate action, because the amount of bacteria is growing and it's becoming seriously dangerous.

This article grabbed my attention because it has an interesting title, and it was on The science daily site which is valid. I learned that bacteria are a great problem in today's society, and that me need to find a way to take care of bacteria, because they can greatly destroy impact are waterways and water systems. I do believe this source is reliable because it was researched by a professor and was found on the reliable science daily site.

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