Friday 21 October 2011


Science Daily
October, 2011

Engineers made a electrocemical that uses a plasma for and electrode, instead of a solid piece of metal. This Plasma, unlike others is stable and can be used safely. Scientists conclude that this transfers electricity at a good rate. The important, thing scientists found out was that, in the future these could develop new pathways batteries and fuel cells design manufactoring. Scientists notice that before they can a accomplish this they need to expand on these electrodes.

I thought this article was intreseting, especially because in the future it could improve batteries, This could help us a lot because batteries would be less harmful but also last longer which is a big plus. I alao chose this article because of the place I found it whoch was the science daily site, which is can be trusted and a lot of intreseting articles come out. While reading this article I felt happy that there could be longer battery life in the future.

1 comment:

  1. This was very well done. Your format is correct and the summary was well written with just enough details. this could very well be something new for making batteries last longer in the future which would be great! However, please be sure to include the link to the article, the title, the author and date it was written. This is important for your readers to know.
