Thursday 27 January 2011

Wave Simulator Reflection

I tried out the wave simulator and I think it really represents how waves react to a fosit in diffrent positions. I like that they made it some you can adjust the amplitude and frequency, with a higher amplitude the drop is bigger and makes a thinker wave, with the frequency to maximum, there are more waves coming out through the foist. I learned that the wave takes shape of were it's made if it's made to the side, the wave will travel forward in arches, if the wave is formed in the middle it will travel in circles in all directions.


  1. Very good reflection. Just be sure that you add the link so your audience knows what you are referring to. I know, but they do not. Also, read through your post before publishing because there are areas of misspellings. I think you meant that with the frequency to maximum, there are more drops coming out of the faucet. :)

  2. Also, what happened when you used barriers in the simulation? How did that affect a high frequency and amplitude?
